250 miles taking this route:
The distance between Baton Rouge, LA and McComb, MS is approximately 80 miles.
The city of Clinton MS is about 30 miles east. The capital, Jackson MS, is about 40 miles east.Clinton Mississippi
The distance between Brandon, MS and Bossier City, LA is approximately 224 miles.
The distance between Slidell, LA and Gulfport, MS is approximately 45 miles by car via I-10 E.
The driving distance from Aynor, South Carolina to Vicksburg, Mississippi is approximately 785 miles. The exact mileage may vary depending on the specific route taken and any stops made along the way.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 3 hours and 5 minutes.
Monroe, LA
It is 332 miles and Google Maps estimates the driving time as 6 hours and 9 minutes.
It is 250.95 miles according to MapQuest.
The driving distance from New Orleans, LA, USA to Vicksburg, MS, USA is 207.04mi / 333.2km
It is 379 miles according to Google Maps.
As of January 2014 there is no mention on when the roads from Shreveport to Jackson, MS will be open for travel.
Clinton, MS is about 30 miles east of Vicksburg. Jackson, MS is about 40 miles east of Vicksburg. The town of Morton, MS is about 60 miles east of Vicksburg, but only gets asked about because someone miscopies the numbers 30 and 40.
Clinton MS (pop 25,000) is about 30 miles east of Vicksburg MS and 10 miles west of Jackson, MS.
The Siege of Vicksburg was fought in the vicinity of Vicksburg, MS.
The capital city, Jackson MS, is located on the Pearl River, about 40 miles east of Vicksburg MS.
270 miles