This depends on where you want to go in the US. Distance between Manila, Philippines and New York, New York, United States, as the crow flies: 8509 miles (13693 km) (7394 nautical miles) Distance between Manila, Philippines and Los Angeles, California, United States, as the crow flies: 7295 miles (11740 km) (6339 nautical miles)
Distance between Manila, Philippines and Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States 7804 miles (12559 km) (6782 nautical miles)
Distance lisbon manila
The flight distance is 1,129 miles.
Manila, Philippines is 5,306 miles [8,540 kilomters; 4,611 nautical miles] from Honolulu, Hawaii. It takes about 11 hours to fly from Honolulu to Manila. Honolulu is 6 hours behind Manila.
April 4,2008.
How far is it between Dubai, United Arab Emirates and Manila, Philippines? The flight mileage is 4297 miles or 6916 km
As far as the times are concerned, the dollar has not been cheaper for pretty much pay about $1.00 too or P42.00 in the Philippines.
The distance from Dallas to Manila is 8331 miles (13407 km) (7239 nautical miles).
The straight line distance between Manila, Philippines and Kanagawa, Japan is calculated to be approximately 2958.07 kilometers or 1596.17 nautical miles.
The distance measured in miles and in a straight light between Manila and the South Pole is 7,218.
Pretty far South. It is not visible from the United States, or from most of Europe.Pretty far South. It is not visible from the United States, or from most of Europe.Pretty far South. It is not visible from the United States, or from most of Europe.Pretty far South. It is not visible from the United States, or from most of Europe.
The flight distance from Honolulu, Hawaii to Manila, Philippines is 5,308 miles. A flight with one stop takes from 14 hours 45 minutes to 17 hours 5 minutes.