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Moose are very powerful swimmers and can dive up to 5m underwater in search for food.

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A moose can dive underwater nearly 20 feet in search of food.

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12y ago

about 20 feet

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a minute or more

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2 min

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Q: Up to how many feet under water can a moose dive?
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Most often, 30 foot dives will take place in open water. There are some dive training centers with dive pools that may be deep enough. If you are planning to free dive (hold your breath at surface, dive, and return), you can go out into open water and try some free diving, shallow at first. Do not do this without a swim/dive buddy. If you want to dive SCUBA, you'll need to get certified first to avoid killing yourself. When ascending after breathing air under pressure, you'll need to do it properly. Free dive or SCUBA dive, I would never recommend diving without a swim/dive buddy with you.

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Do mallard ducklings dive under water?

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How long are moose?

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