The pronghorn, also known as the American antelope, protects itself through its incredible speed and agility. It is the fastest land mammal in North America, capable of reaching speeds up to 55 miles per hour (88 kilometers per hour). Additionally, the pronghorn has exceptional vision, which allows it to detect predators from a distance and escape from potential threats.
It protects it self
it uses its camouflage to blend in with the grass to protect itself from predators.
A male pronghorn is called a buck.
A female pronghorn is called a doe.
A young pronghorn is called a fawn or a kid. They are born with a spotted coat that provides camouflage in their grassland habitat.
It protects it self
It protects itself
it uses its camouflage to blend in with the grass to protect itself from predators.
Mainly through running away, but also by using its horns.
Pronghorns escape by running, if possible. Their horns and hooves can be deadly, if necessary,
a tiger salamander protects itself by poisoning its prey.
the eye lashes protects the eye from on coming objects
it protects itself by being on a high tree or being in a herd with its friends and relatives.
a falcon protects itself with its claws and beak.
Armour and a sword
by it's thorns
it bites its enemy