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It is a spiral layout

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Q: How does the optical storagfe device layout sectors on its surface?
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What is the device that reads and records information on disks?

Head – The device that reads and writes the information—magnetic or optical—on the disk surface.

What stores data as a trail of tiny pits or a dark spots on its surface?

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A camera is an optical device that can produce a real image. It does this by focusing light onto a photosensitive surface (like film or a digital sensor) to create a true-to-life representation of the scene being captured.

Is flash memory is optical?

No, its not an optical storage device.

Is a digital memory card an optical device?

It is not an optical device. C D ROM or DVD are optical devices. Whereas a digital memory card is solid state device.

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What is a optical device?


How can you safely view a solar eclipse?

Use a pinhole or a dark-filtered optical device to project the sun's image on a light surface,and view the image.

Is a optical character reader a input or output device?

Input device

How many sectors make up a track?

A track on a storage device typically consists of multiple sectors. The exact number of sectors on a track can depend on the specifications of the device, but it is typically in the range of a few hundred to a few thousand sectors per track.

What is optical equipment?

Optical equipment is any device that uses light to perform its function.

Why is a mirror an optical device?

A mirror is an optical device because it reflects light, forming an image by reflection. It works on the principle of specular reflection, where light rays are reflected at the same angle as they strike the mirror surface. This reflection process allows mirrors to create virtual images that can be seen by the human eye.