If you mean in regard to the UK armed forces, then the UK will be required to assist in any military movement commissioned by NATO. This could be anything from all out war to conflicts which would threaten the security of NATO, but if you mean as a whole with the fire service and police, then there is no affect at all. NATO can only control the British armed forces but even then it is to a point.
Brigid Laffan has written: 'The intergovernmental conference and the challenge of governance in the European Union' -- subject(s): Economic integration, European Union 'The finances of the European Union' -- subject(s): European Union, Finance, Finance, Public, Public Finance 'Job-creation schemes in the Republic of Ireland' 'Ireland, Britain, Northern Ireland and the european dimension' -- subject(s): European Union, Politics and government 'The European Union and Its Member States (European Union)'
the union lost support
Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.
your banannas will always be bendy and your peas will always be green
No, Kosovo is not a member of the European Union.
No, it is not in the European Union.
It gives people better lives by giving them jobs and an eduacation.
It will have some effects, but not a lot. The European Union is an organisation. The UK leaving will not end their connections with other countries in Europe that are members of the European Union or other European countries. It will take time to see what the results are. There is still some uncertainty as to what will happen next.
No, Switzerland is not a member of the European Union.
No, Israel is not in the European Union.
The European Union does not consist of all of European countries, so European Union citizenship does not unite all of Europe. Even in the European Union countries, each country has its own specific citizenship, as opposed to one single European Union citizenship. You are only a European Union citizen if you are a citizen of one of the European Union countries. There is no European Union citizenship by itself.