LCM(Least Common Multiple) as the name suggests is the common multiple of two numbers. Thus, LCM of a single number cannot be found out.
Reduce to factors 13 = 13 70 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 10 Nothing in common, so LCM = 13 x 70 = 910
The LCM of 1435 and 70 is 2870. The LCM of 14, 35 and 70 is 70.
The LCM is 70.
The LCM is 70.
The LCM of 10 and 70 is 70.
The LCM is 70.
The LCM is: 70
The LCM is: 70
70 is the LCM of 5, 70, and 7.
The LCM is: 1,260
The LCM is: 770
The LCM is 630.