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Q: How does leukemia interfere with the homeostasis of the body?
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How is homeostasis disrupted when you have leukemia?

basically, the white blood cells do not function as they are supposed to (fight infections) so therefore the body may not be able to protect against any infections as it should.

How does the body return to homeostasis?

The body will return to homeostasis when it gets what it needs to do so. Many times a body needs water to return to homeostasis.

Does homeostasis affect body temperature?

The stabilization of body temperature is homeostasis. What affects homeostasis is the interaction of the hypothalamus and hormones, such as prostaglandin; an indirect marker for inflammation. Homeostasis is constant/stable. The hypothalamus ensures body temperature homeostasis.

The body's state of equilibrium is called?


Does the body hate being in homeostasis?

No, the body does not "hate" being in homeostasis. Homeostasis is a state of balance and stability within the body that is necessary for optimal functioning. The body actively works to maintain homeostasis to ensure that internal conditions remain within a narrow range suitable for survival.

What would happen to your body of you could not maintain homeostasis?

Homeostasis keeps your body stable even when things outside your body changes. This means without your homeostasis you will not survive!

What is the term that means a steady state or state of equilibrium in the body?


What is homeotosis?

Homeostasis is an important process in the body. Homeostasis regulates the internal state of the body and keeps it stable.

Why does body needs homeostasis?

without homeostasis we couldnt have sex anyone

How is homeostasis maintained in the body through negative feedback mechanisms?

how is homeostasis maintained in the body through negative feedback?

What kinda diseases can you get if are body do not maintain homeostasis?

name it. homeostasis is balance in the body if you don't have balance you have dis-ease.

What statements is FALSE about homeostasis?

Basically homeostasis happens by your inner body and organs maintain the inside of ur body and its temperature based on the environment. Say u were running then homeostasis would make sure that your internal body isn't disturbed