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Convection currents happen in the mantle because of heat. This allows molten rock to flow toward the crust, as opposed to away from it.

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3mo ago

Convective currents in the mantle are driven by heat from the Earth's core. As the core heats the mantle, hot magma rises upwards, cools near the surface, and then sinks back down due to its increased density. This continuous cycle of rising and sinking creates convection currents in the mantle.

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Q: How does convectinal currents occur in the mantle?
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Where in the earth do convection currents occur?

Convection currents occur in the Earth's mantle, which is the layer beneath the Earth's crust. These currents are responsible for driving the movement of tectonic plates on the Earth's surface, leading to phenomena like earthquakes and volcanic activity.

Which layer of the earth do convection currents occur in?

Convection currents occur in the mantle, which is the middle layer of the Earth. The heat generated from the core causes the molten rock in the mantle to move in a circular pattern, creating convection currents.

What layer of Earth can you find convection currents?

Convection currents can be found in the mantle layer of Earth, specifically in the asthenosphere. These currents are responsible for driving tectonic plate movements and are a key component of the process of plate tectonics.

Which layer of the earth do the convection currents occur?

Convection currents occur in the mantle, a semi-solid layer located beneath the Earth's crust. Heat from the Earth's core causes the material in the mantle to heat up, rise towards the crust, cool down, and then sink back towards the core, creating a circular motion of flow known as convection currents.

What is the layer of the earth convection the currents in this layer make the plates move?

The layer of the Earth where convection currents occur is the mantle. These currents are generated by the heat from the Earth's core, causing movement in the semi-fluid mantle material. The movement of these convection currents is one of the driving forces behind the movement of tectonic plates on the Earth's surface.

Related questions

Where in the structure of the earth do convection currents occur?

The mantle.

Where in the earth do convection currents occur?

Convection currents occur in the Earth's mantle, which is the layer beneath the Earth's crust. These currents are responsible for driving the movement of tectonic plates on the Earth's surface, leading to phenomena like earthquakes and volcanic activity.

Which layer of the earth do convection currents occur in?

Convection currents occur in the mantle, which is the middle layer of the Earth. The heat generated from the core causes the molten rock in the mantle to move in a circular pattern, creating convection currents.

What are the names of the region in earth's interior where convection currents occur?

The region in Earth's interior where convection currents occur is called the mantle. Convection currents in the mantle are responsible for driving plate tectonics and shaping Earth's surface features through processes like subduction and sea-floor spreading.

In which layer do convection currents causing sea floor spreading occur?


How thick are the convection currents?

Convection currents can vary in thickness, typically ranging from a few centimeters to kilometers depending on the scale of the system in which they occur. In the Earth's mantle, for example, convection currents can be tens to hundreds of kilometers thick.

Which layer of the Earth do Covection Currents occur in?

The major ones involve the mantle and the oceanic crust.

Which of earth layers do convection currents occur?

in the mantle due to the molten rock... hope this helps!!! =] also for better detail they happen in the asthenospheric mantle to

What layer of Earth can you find convection currents?

Convection currents can be found in the mantle layer of Earth, specifically in the asthenosphere. These currents are responsible for driving tectonic plate movements and are a key component of the process of plate tectonics.

Convection currents within the Earth cause plate tectonics due to the movement of the mantle true or false?

No. Convection currents which could lead to volcanism in the crust occur in the mantle. The crust is too cold and brittle for convection currents to occur.

What are convection currents and in which layer do they occur?

Convection currents are circular movements of fluid driven by temperature differences. In Earth's mantle, convection currents occur in the asthenosphere, which is the semi-solid layer beneath the lithosphere. These currents play a significant role in plate tectonics and the movement of Earth's crustal plates.

Which layer of the earth do the convection currents occur?

Convection currents occur in the mantle, a semi-solid layer located beneath the Earth's crust. Heat from the Earth's core causes the material in the mantle to heat up, rise towards the crust, cool down, and then sink back towards the core, creating a circular motion of flow known as convection currents.