Animal Testing is where doctors figure out new medicines, or treatments for humans but the way they test it is on animals. For example monkeys because monkeys are our closest animal "descendent". It affects todays world in a good way because if humans got tested then they would die if the treatment wasn't stable, but it is not fair for the millions of animals that have to die to save humans lives when most humans abuse animals anyway.
If you would like to see what scientists and doctors do you can go to YouTube and type in Cat on LSD. That is what scientists do to animals, cruel things such as that.
Animal testing has a huge impact on the earth because it kills helpless animals. example: hundreds of animals are bred just for testing and just for the LDSD test the animals are dosed in different amounts and can die. some animals are put in an object that immobilises them so the tester can dose the animal. Animals break there necks to try and get free. these animals go through tests like short term toxicity, skin penetration, skin irritation, eye irritation, skin sensation, phototoxcity and photosensitisation, mutgenicty, carcinogenicity, reproductive toxicity, teratoginicity, and a whole lot of finished products. they are often force fed the foods with the tests in them. as u can see animal testing is a terrible thing for animals to go through they have feelings to.
Yes, animal testing is around the whole world !
I am HIGHLY against animal testing but as all thing there are pro's and con's...... If people tested shampoo on humans and it was poisonous then that person might die. If an animal tested shampoo then that a loss, but there are LOADS of different types/breeds of animals and it wont affect the world that bad.
Well the world doesn't know what exact date animal testing started, but it goes back as far as three-hundred forty something BC.
its still going on in the world.......BUT YOU CAN HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
there are people all over the world who think animal testing is unfair animals are just like humans there are people all over the world who think animal testing is unfair animals are just like humans
almost all countries test on animals,more then 130 companies in the world test on animal
yes dont do it
the differance is that animal testing is about testing animals on medicines and products. but the Third World Debt is about the loans that a country gets from other countires. For example some countries which are in the third world debt are Bolivia, Somalia, Aghanistan, Cameroon, Ghana, Zambia and many,many more.
This question is not known. People all over the world try and protect animal testing. Some people believe that it is right to test animals for our benefit.
Many animals are dieing and that is were animal testing the animals comes in for good purpose. The purpose of improving human life instead of sacrificing a human you give up an animal. There are so many animals in the world and animals are still producing more. Think about it "It's you or the animal."
Yes it does.
It depends on what is being tested on the animal and how. If medicine/drugs are being tested on an animal, then the animal might die/suffer. The same goes with some food products.