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That depends on the snake. Some snakes ambush the rabbit and constrict it causing it to suffocate to death while other snakes use venom to kill their prey. Venomous snakes bite their prey and wait for the venom to circulate throughout the blood.

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Q: How does a snake kill a bunny?
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No its the other way around

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a lion fighting a snake (\(l (._.) (,(")(")bunny

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Yes, and the snake can also kill the alligator, or to be precise, caiman.Depending on what kind of snake cobra yes

What snake can kill you in less than 6 seconds?

rattle snake can kill you

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u should get both of them and a rattle snake and then the rattle snake can eat them both hahaha

Can bunny food kill me?

No, it cannot.

How do you beat the snake?

you can kill a snake when it attacks you... u can strangle it but it will bite you too! :D first kill the snake and after this go to hospital

If you kill a snake will ten snakes kill you?

no this is false if anything one snake would kill you and even then the chances are slim