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Lady Gaga is not hiding anything.

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

She tucks them in her nickers

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Does Lady Gaga have male organizames?

No. Lady Gaga is a woman.

Who sings the male parts of the Lady Gaga song Monster?

Lady Gaga does. ZING!

Is lady gaga acctually a male?


Was Lady Gaga born half woman and half man?

Lady Gaga might be hiding a secret that she's not a full woman.But I think she's hiding a secret out there in the world.And I think she is part woman and part man to

Is Lady Gaga male or a female?

Lady Gaga is indeed a female. Watch the video "Telephone". They mention that she is a woman.

Does Lady Gaga's sister have a boyfriend?

No she is a male and famale

Is ladygaga a woman or a male?

Lady Gaga is a woman.

What animal is male and also female?

Lady Gaga

Who are the guys in Lady Gaga's ''Yoรผ and I'' music video?

Taylor Kinney and Jo Calderone(Lady Gaga's male-alter ego)

Is Lady Gaga a felmale or male?

Lady gaga is surely a woman because she is small builded and her hips are in the hour glass shape.

Is laddy ga ga a boy?

Well, "Laddy" Gaga is male, but "Lady" Gaga is female.

Does lady gaga have a male vein?

No, not at all. She is 100% women