There is not a way to write Thai address in English. This is written in a different language.
i Love you så much
Michael = ไมเคิล
That means you are going to say "I love Thai langauge" >>" Chan Ruk Pasa Thai" Chan = I Ruk = Love Pasa = Langauge Thai = Thai
happy birthday in thai
That means you are going to say "I love Thai langauge" >>" Chan Ruk Pasa Thai" Chan = I Ruk = Love Pasa = Langauge Thai = Thai
There is not a way to write Thai address in English. This is written in a different language.
== ==
i Love you så much
The Thai word for happiness is "สุข" (suk).
Your name Rudy will be written in Thai as รูดี้
ซอนนี่ ==