491-500: cdxci, cdxcii, cdxciii, cdxciv, cdxcv, cdxcvi, cdxcvii, cdxcviii, cdxcix, d
You write 8.8 million as 8,800,000
XDI - D=500, X=10 and I=1... Placing the X before the D means you subtract it from the larger number, then add the 1. Another (longer) way to write it would be CCCLXXXIX (100+100+100+50+10+10+10+9)Additional Information:-In today's notation of Roman numerals 491 is: CDXCIBut the Romans themselves would have worked out 491 as CCCCLXXXXI and then simplified it to XDI (501-10 = 491) which uses less numerals but of equal value
491-216 = 275
Yes. 491 is prime.
491 is CDXCI. CD is 500 - 100. XC is 100 - 10. (I is 1.)
491-500: cdxci, cdxcii, cdxciii, cdxciv, cdxcv, cdxcvi, cdxcvii, cdxcviii, cdxcix, d
Write 1.98 million is 1,980,000
You write 8.8 million as 8,800,000
XDI - D=500, X=10 and I=1... Placing the X before the D means you subtract it from the larger number, then add the 1. Another (longer) way to write it would be CCCLXXXIX (100+100+100+50+10+10+10+9)Additional Information:-In today's notation of Roman numerals 491 is: CDXCIBut the Romans themselves would have worked out 491 as CCCCLXXXXI and then simplified it to XDI (501-10 = 491) which uses less numerals but of equal value
491-216 = 275
There are 491 tenths in 491. This is because one whole number is equivalent to 10 tenths. Therefore, to find the number of tenths in 491, you simply multiply 491 by 10, giving you 4910 tenths.
How do you write 325.7 million
To write out four hundred million, you would write 400,000,000. This is the numerical representation of four hundred million in standard form. In words, you would write it as "Four hundred million."
1-492 = -491
Yes. 491 is prime.
To write 20.5 million numerically, you would write it as 20,500,000.