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Q: How do you work out magic squares with negative numbers?
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How does math work in magic squares?

The horizontal, vertical and diagonal numbers will all be the same sum when added together.

Will either kruskal or prim's algorithm work on negative edge graph?

The correctness of either Prim's or Kruskal's algorithm, is not affected by negative edges in the graph. They both work fine with negative edges. The question boils down to "Does a Priority Queue of numbers work with negative numbers?" because of the fact that both Prim's and Kruskal's algorithm use a priority queue. Of course -- as negative numbers are simply numbers smaller than 0. The "<" sign will still work with negative numbers.

What are some ways you use negative numbers in everyday life?

Some people work as a teacher or a mathmetition, they use negative numbers in their everyday lives. Some people use negative numbers when they are overdue.

Why do they skip numbers in crossword puzzles?

The only number the squares a word begins on. They number the squares that a word begins on whether it is across or down. That it why it appears that they number more squares. They skip all the numbered squares that a new work doesn't start on.

Is negative numbers are rational?

yes and after you finish your math work on your grammer

How do you multiply two negative numbers and a positive number?

you work left to right

How would you Explain how you would decide whether the product of three numbers is positive or negative?

If all three numbers are positive then the product obviously has to be positive. If TWO of the three numbers are negative, then the product is also positive. But if exactly ONE of the three numbers is negative or if all THREE are negative, then the product must be negative. In general, a product of numbers is negative if an ODD NUMBER of the terms is negative.

Why did the integer get a bad evaluation at work?

Because the integer was being negative.

How do you work out a hexagon add-on-agons using negative numbers?

you ADD all the #s

Where do you use negative numbers at home or work?

Whenever you keep a budget, comparing income to spending, you are adding positive and negative values.

What is 63 divided by negative 7?


Find three numbers such that the sum of the squares of the smaller two are equal to the square of the third?

The numbers 3, 4, and 5 work: 32 + 42 = 52 9 + 16 = 25