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There are several different vaulted ceilings. Cross or Groin, Barrel, and several deviations of symmetry of such. Some people refer to "Cathedral" ceilings or "tray" ceilings as vaulted ceilings, but they are not in the "puritan" vein. Assuming that the existing framework is up to local building codes, and the height is adequate, a plywood re reinforced template with2x's, every 16"o.c. or 24"o.c. or as needed, suspended from the existing ceiling/wall framing. This will serve well for wire lath & plaster, and will last over a lifetime due to the strength of the wire lath and plaster system. For drywall attachment the framing is much more ardrous and the time is better served to upgrade the finish plaster and not spend money framing. Wire lath can suffice the tightest of radius's as well. Don't forget, if you have a window dormer or window within the ceiling assembly, make it interesteing by "returning" the window to the ceiling using the same radius as the ceiling only adjacent to the ceiling for the desired distance of the return. Freedom of form-Wire lath & Plaster-That's why it's been around for 2000+yrs. & in essence, your building your own trusses.

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