There are no real "Cheats" for the PC version of Morrowind. The "console" can be used, however to manipulate the game in certain ways. It is activated by pressing the ~ key (usually the key above the TAB key) and is closed by pressing the key a second time. TGM (Toggle God Mode on / off) TFM (Toggle Flying Mode on / off) TWF (Toggle Wireframe on / off... see how they designed the graphics!) Player-> Additem "Gold_100", 100 (adds 100 gold to your inventory) COC "Balmora, Guild of Mages" (transports player to location specified in inverted commas) Player-> Modcurrenthealth, 100 (Sets current health to specified level) Meldor-> resurrect (brings specified dead NPC back to life. NPC will still be reported as dead when talking to others) Fixme (Moves player 120 units from current location. Handy for when you get stuck "Inside" a wall or floor!) Help (Displays a list of console commands. Does NOT tell you how to use them.) TFH (Toggle Full Help on / off. Shows advanced commands in help list.) Syntax is critical when using the console. It MUST be correct or it won't work. For a full run-down of commands and their proper useage refer to the construction set help files. The Elder Scrolls Construction set can be downloaded, however it is shipped with the game as standard. To find out an objects I.D whilst playing the game (saves having to search the construction set for it), open the console and mouse over the object. A box will appear showing the I.D. Irresponsible or incorrect use of the console can "break" a quest or even the whole game and it may not be obvious until later. It is recommended that you study the scripting functions and commands before experimenting too wildly. It's also recommended that you dont "cheat" the game unless absolutely necessary (if you are stuck at the bottom of a pit for example). The whole game is about discovering things for yourself and in cheating you are only spoiling the fun of the discovery.
The alchemist you want, Nalcarya of White Haven, is in the 'richer' part of Balmora, near the Clothier and Hlaalu Manor. The main items you want from her are the Alit Hide and Muck items for Drain Intelligence potions (which are easy to make and go for a decent price -- good for those with lower levels in alchemy) and the Racer Plumes with Trama Root combination (Levitation).
The Levitation (or Rising Force, as the game names it) is harder to make and more expensive, as a Trama Root and Race Plume would go for 30 gold, whereas an Alit Hide and Muck combination would go for 11 gold. The Rising Force potions are much more useful than the Drain Intelligence potions, as you'll find yourself needing them more often and they're helpful when you want to get to a high level in a ruin, or simply want to escape those pesky guards. If you chose Alchemy as one of your base skills (one of the 10 major or minor skills you select in the beginning), you'll level rather quickly. The reason this alchemist is the best choice is because there is a bed on the second floor.
In the event you grow bored with Alchemy, you can always sell the items you stole from Caldera to the alchemist and make a tidy profit, or, if you desire to continue making potions, you can purchase the Grandmaster's Mortar and Pestle from her for 4,000 gold.
Corprus DiseaseWhen you Contract Corprus disease every 24 hours some of your stats go up and some of them go down. Keep sleeping for 24 hours to permanately increase the stats that rise. When you get Corprus disease cured you will still have all of your increased stats and your lowered stats will be brought back to normal! You can keep getting increases in stats even past the max, letting you carry more goods and do more damage. Assu TeleportationGo to Assu (Mount Kand) and go to the end of the cave near Dreveni Hlaren (Staff of Magnus). Swim to the bottom of the lake that surrounds her and swim between the smaller rock and the huge rock so that the smaller rock is on your left, and you should be instantly teleported to the entrance. Permanent FortificationThis works for Fortifying, Attributes, Skills, and Attacks.1) Get a spell that fortifies an attribute or skill (or get all 26 Sanguines to get Mephala's Skill so you can fortify Attack) and a Soultrap spell.
2) Find someone who makes Spells.
3) Make a spell with:
Fortify X (whatever you want fortified) however many points you want (make sure it's a certain number and not a range) for 2 seconds on Self (you can add as many of these as you want to one spell, just make sure they last 2 seconds on self)
Soultrap on Target
4) Name and buy the spell
5) Cast the spell
Your attribute, skill, or attack will be raised by however many points you specified permanently. This is a good way to raise attributes and skills once they hit 100 and can't be raised naturally anymore.
Infinite 1 Gold Training SessionsThis glitch will allow you to use any of the trainers in the game for one gold piece each time, and it will also allow you to train any skill to level 100 with any trainer (in other words, you don't need to go track down master trainers anymore). The steps are as follows:1. Go to the Prison Tower in Fort Moonmoth. The woman that is guarding the cells has a ''Drain Skill'' spell. Buy it.
2. Now go to any spellmaker (the easiest would probably be the high elf in the Balmora Mages Guild, since Balmora is so close to Fort Moonmoth. The spell you want to make is ''Drain (insert skill here) 100-100 for 2 sec on Self''. So if you were wanting to train your heavy armor skill up to level 100, the spell would be ''Drain Heavy Armor 100-100 for 2 sec on self''. This spell should cost you about a hundred coins.
3. Now you need to find a trainer who trains the skill you just bought the spell for. In this case you can find a heavy armor trainer right next door in the Balmora Fighter's Guild. What you do now is cast your ''Drain Heavy Armor'' (or whatever skill you choose) and while it is active open the training box. Since your Heavy Armor skill will be drained to zero no matter what you had it at, it will only show up as costing 1 gold piece to train. Now after you are done training, the spell will wear off and you will retain the level you just trained your Heavy Armor to. You can do this as many times as you want with every skill in the game. You can also train skills even when they are at level 100 already, though they won't go any higher. Use this to keep gaining levels for HP and to max out your stats.
*Note: This trick is especially useful for Medium Armor since the developers forgot to put the Master Trainer in the game, so if you were hoping to use the Medium Armor Master Trainer, you're screwed. Use this trick to unscrew yourself. And if you feel guilty about cheating, drop 100,000 gold on the ground when you're done and walk away :P
Protection from Normal WeaponsFirst you must have the Sanctuary spell. It can be bought from Zanmulk Sammalamus in the Gnisis Temple. You must also posess the spell Soultrap. This can be obtained from Masalinie Merian in the basement of the Balmora Mages Guild. Then, find someone who has the ''Spellmaking'' option in their dialogue box. An Altmer named Estirdalin who is also in the basement of the Balmora Mages guild has the Spellmaking option. Then create a spell that has these effects:Sanctuary:
Magnitude: 100 to 100
Duration: 1 second
Range: Self
Duration: 1 second
Area: 0
Range: Target
Buy the spell and then look all the way down to where your feet would be. Select the spell you just made and cast it. You should now be protected from all normal weapons.
Light EffectEquip the Truflame. Now go into the item menu and equip some other weopon (i usually use a lockpick). Now exit the menu. The light effect form the trufalme will still be there, even though you hae a different itm equiped. Grace PeriodAt the start of the game, get your papers from Ergalla and go outside. Take the ring from the barrel and walk up to the left side of the second building. At the corner where the wall and the building meet, jump repeatedly and you should glitch through the wall. Now, if you hit anybody or steal something, a guard will just walk up and say something to the effect of, "If you do that again, you may just be thrown back in prison." If you drop the item you stole before they reach you, it is marked as yours and you can pick it back up. This is useful for collecting armor and weapons, because you can go anywhere. Unfortunately you cannot save. Note: some non-guard NPCs may attack you and you still can't kill anybody and get off scot-free. Unlimited Weight CapacityTo have unlimited weight, (meaning you may carry as much stuff as you want, without having to go all the way back to your crates/storage bins) you must first off have a spell with Feather, and a Soultrap spell. Go to a Spellmaker, (best place is the Balmora Mage's Guild) and make a Spell with these specs:Feather on Self for X to X amount for 2 seconds. (X must be ONE number, or the spell may vary everytime you cast it)
Soultrap on Target for 2 seconds.
Make it in that order, and buy it. If you aren't a Magic-using person, you might want to get a little more Magicka before buying the spell, so that you may cast it. When you bought the spell, look directly down at where your feet should be, and cast it. If you look at your status effects, it shows nothing about Feather on you, but your weight is now permanently down by X amount! I found this trick on of the most useful of all, and it also works with Swift Swim, and Water Breathing. But take caution, do NOT use this method with Levitate! You'll never be able to come down.
Stay Safe from EnemiesWhen fighting enemies it is possible to jump on top of them. From here you can attack them with out fear of attack from them as long as you manage to stay on top of the enemy. Works with most enemis although it can be hard for taller enemies. Many Souls From One Golden SaintThis is a way to eliminate having to hunt down innumerable Goldan Saints for enchanting. Have a spellmaker make different versions of soul trap with different names. Find or summon a Golden Saint, then cast as many as you can or want. For every spell that is active when the creature is killed, you'll get a separate soul, as long as you have enough grand soul gems. Bal Molagmer glitchJim Stacey is the last Guildmaster of the Thieves Guild. He offers special Bal Molagmer missions that can be done on the side but before the completion of the main Thieves Guild quests.Normally when you complete the Thieves Guild, Jim Stacey will leave you in charge and leave. If you haven't done that Bal Molagmer sub-missions then you are out of luck. To get around this simply start a Bal Molagmer missions and then go and finish the Thieves Guild missions.You will be put in charge of the Guild and be given the skeleton key however Stacey will remain where is is at even though everybody says he has left. Now you can do the Bal Molagmer whenever you feel like it.
Easily Kill Merchants Without TauntingFirst, soultrap a Golden Saint. Then, enchant a piece of clothing to do one damage constantly. If you sell this piece of clothing to a merchant, such as Ra'Virr in Balmora, they will wear it, and constantly suffer one damage. This will eventually kill them, and you will not get a bounty.NOTE: This may only work with certain merchants.
Unlimited Level GlitchEver wanted to spend that 40 Million Gold that you've had forever? This is a glitch that will allow you to reach any level that you want, provided that you have A LOT of Gold.Go to any Secret Master Trainer - there are easily accessible ones in Vivec Arena (Heavy Armor and Acrobatics) in Caldera Shenk's Shovel (Sneak). Now, make sure that what you're training is either a major skill or a minor skill. Basically, this glitch will let you keep training even past a rating of 100. Everytime you increase a level, you get a point bonus to leveling. For every 10 bonus points, you get a whole level increase. Keep doing this and you should be able to reach well past level 100 in less than an hour! I trained my Heavy Armor skill apporx. 2000 times (2000/10 = 200) in 32 minutes and became a level 209 Imperial! The only downside is, it cost me about 230K gold...but hey, I figured that wasn't such a huge ding considering I had 34 Million to play with. Now go slaughter a High Ordinator or Two!
Instant Item RemovalTo minimize storage memory and instead of waiting three days for excess items to clear, summon a Golden Saint and kill it. As it falls, quickly highlight and it and press A. Give it all of your uneeded items and exit. It will disappear normally. Doing so will reduce the chance of the game overloading.NOTE: Any items dropped will be lost forever.
Instant Glitch-KillThis works on any NPC. All you need is a weapon and a lockpick (I use a Master Lockpick). Simply stand facing whomever you wish to kill, hold your attack button down, and while your weapon is swung back, open your inventory. You can now let go of the attack button. Equip your lockpick and exit your inventory. Your character will now swing your lockpick instead of your weapon, instantly killing whomever you\'re facing. 1 point will also be used up from your lockpick.Rarely this will take away all your opponents health, but make your opponent invincible. This has only happened to me on rare occasions when I faced important game characters, but after starting the battle over and trying it again, it killed them instantly.
Infinite Vampire PotionsNote: This glitch requires that you be in the Aundae vampire clan.On your first mission in the Aundae Clan, you're sent to Sadrith Mora to learn of what became of Dhulayne Aundae's son, Vilandon Aundae. In order to speak to Sinyarimen, you must get Sinyarimen's potion from Tuscamircil to deliver to him. However, stay in the dialog box. Every time you select the option "I'll deliver the potion for you.", Tuscamircil will hand over a new one! A hole in the scripting that the developers over looked causes Tuscamircil to hand out a potion each time you do this. Thus enabling you to get as many of these valuable potions as you want. Now if you'll take a look at the potions qualities, you'll see that they're quite expensive for potions and are perfect for aiding a vampire. Here are the potions qualities:The potion is worth 1,502 gold, weighs 0.5 pounds, and it's effects are: cure common disease-Night Eye 50 pts. for 10 sec.-Fortify Strength 20 pts. for 20 sec. See what I mean? The night-eye effect especially helps you.
This hole in the script should end either after you complete this quest or after you cure yourself of Vampirism - After those times, the dialog option should disappear.
Infinite Breath UnderwaterWhat this glitch does is lets you stay underwater for as long as you want. When in water, go underwater. you should see a breath meter. Go up NEAR the top. If done correctly and your still underwater, the breath meter should disappear. Then, you'll be underwater for as long as you want. Also, this is useful for looking for items underwater, you wont have to come up every minute or so. Have fun =)If I am correct, these are all the cheats/glitches in the game on XBOX, Oh, and for the fortify skill one, you will need to have game of the year and go to mournhold. there is a girl there and she will sell you fortify skill spells.
Have fun cheating =)
There is no demo.
Someone that is looking for Morrowind cheat codes can find them online at websites such as Game FAQs, Neoseeker, as well as Games Radar. Each website provides the latest codes and information on how to get cheats for Morrowind.
Yes there are cheats in Morrowind for Xbox. There are cheats that allow you to instantly restore Health, Magicka or Fatigue. These are very useful if you're ever in trouble. I can't really explain how to do each one, but you can just type in "Cheats for Morrowind" on Google and you'll get how to use the cheats.
No Morrowind is a one player game, but I've heard of a failed beta of an online Morrowind for the PC.
Morrowind, Minecraft
That isn't a question.
No, but it is available for the PC, and Xbox.
Best buy does every year. The G.O.T.Y Edition
You can find it on Steam.
You can't - cheats were removed in version 1.3 so the PC never had cheats.
With mods on the PC, yes.
Click cheats Click cheats