No, you cannot. Why not use the full keyboard??
yes it is
T3, T5, and T9 refer to the third, fifth, and ninth thoracic vetebrae.
options --> language --> with or without multitap (I believe), (if you're enabling the t9 then you specify the language of the word)
Lumbar Enlargement
Yes you can. When you start a message you will click the aA button until you see a thing at the top that has T9 Abc.. It should be at the right hand corner of your text messaging screen.
Go to Menu, Messages, scroll down to Msg Settings, Entry Mode, and choose T9 word.
In T9 setting, to say "I love you" you would type: 4-6-8-3-5-6-8-56-88-3-6-8-6.
Yes, the T9 will work fine with HPA.
Pretty much any new phone does.
tries? tries?