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Sometimes in the past (and still in some places in the world) bricks were made of straw, mud, and clay. The straw added extra strength or fiber to the brick and gave the mud and clay a better texture to shape a brick out of. You could subsitute straw with hay and make bricks out of that, thus giving you the needed material to lay a old fashioned cobbled or brick street.

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Q: How do you use hay bales to make a street?
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What do you use the key for in Astro Knights?

The secret room between the hay bales!

On Poptropica how do you get through the hole under the bales of hay?

On AstroKnights Island, the bales of hay hide the secret entrance to Mordred's laboratory. The key is in the secret chamber under the village fountain. Use the Cosmic Symbols diagram from the mill : press "moon, Saturn, star"and then the sun.

Can you use hay bales in your greenhouse or will they catch on fire?

Now why would you want to use hay bales in your greenhouse? If you are wanting to use them as stands to put your plants on, that's a really bad idea. Hay is meant to be fed to livestock, not used as a table top for your greenhouse plants. You will get stinky, moldy, rotting hay if you do this than if you go the more sensible route of making wooden stands or tables out of lumber or iron. It's not the fact that the bales will catch on fire, it's more of the concern of what a lot of water will do to those bales after watering your plants, no matter how careful you try to be. Hay will rot and become moldy much faster than wood or even iron would if you use them as stands for your plants. They won't catch on fire, though, except if you have some too close to a heater or they have been baled when they were too moist.

How do you use the key on Astro Knights Island?

Go to the hay bales and push them apart. The key opens the hatch to Mordred's underground laboratory.

On poptropica on Astro nights do you get more fuel?

you go by the hay bales and separate them and use the key you key inside the fountain if you put the code in and go in the cell and get the fuel

Where is the key for Merlins layer on poptropica?

You have to go under the fountain by pressing the plaque then click the moon, planet with ring, star, and last but not least the sun.When your in, talk to the very last guy (the nerd-looking guy) and he'll give you the key then go to where the two hay bales lay and USE key then you will be in between the hay bales and see a secret door open.

What do you do after you use the small key for the two hay bales near the mill farm on poptropica astro knights?

you should've gotten the robotic mouse, give it to the robotic owl and go on from there.

In poptropica astro night underneath two hay bales how do you unlocked that says the way is blockd?

Go to the place under the fountain and talk to all the people and one of them will give you a key. Use that key to unlock the door beneath the hay bails.

Is there a cheat that doesn't use cheat engine on farmville?

I don't know of any except putting hay bales around the person's respawn spot (where he appears when you start to make harvesting and such faster (if he cant get to a tree , animal, field etc. it will go faster

What is the small key for in astro knights?

The small key in Astro Knights Island is for Mordred's secret hideout. When you come to that wind mill area, move the hay bales apart and use the key on that.

Where is Mordred's owl invention on Poptropica Astro Knights?

You have to push the two bales of hay apart. There should be a door on the ground. You have to use the Small Key on it and it will open. There you will find the owl, but it will fly out of the hideout.

Where is Mordred's lair in poptropica?

Over by the windmill, there are two hay bales (yes, they have a purpose!) and you have to jump RIGHT between them. When you do, they slide apart. Use the small key from the underground society (beneath the well) and use it. Voila! You're welcome.