how to use inexplicable in three sentence's
This is a sentence. A prisoner has to serve the sentence the judge gives him.
If you said "use coincidence in a sentence" you already know how to use it in a sentence and are probably getting examples. if you said" how do you use coincidence in a sentence" you most-likely don't know the definition of it.
This sentence is about nothing.
You could use "the fact" as a subject, but you would need preceeding sentences to support it.High schools graduate millions of students each year. The fact that few graduates can spell correctly is worrisome for college admission officials and job recruiters.
how to use we student in a sentence
"He answered the difficult question correctly."
I would use it correctly in a sentence, of course. Thank you for asking.
He spelled the word correctly before the interview board.
i have a PhD in....
Yes if you use it correctly, as in "i enllisted in the army"
There are several ways in which to use the word, there, correctly in a sentence.
Example sentence - The joint in the frame is not aligned correctly.
yes if you use it correctly..... you can use it if you put something after it like polygon
No, it is not used correctly. The correct way to use it is You are most welcome.
At my house I have a jumbo pencil
i can enunciate correctly