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Well.... You must go to Falcon Reach and proceed east.

Go into Cysero's shop, after that you must proceed west until you see a green orb.

Buy the Kathool adept armor for 1800 Dragon coins.

(comes with full skill set)



First you must be occupying the armor in a battle.

Then you must use the skill "Shadow" (Burns lots of manna)

After that you have to use the skill "KATHOOL" And beat the crap out of them!


3 Years experience

Reached level 60

Just lost 5 times in pvp arena "ALL MY LIFE"

( I am not a dragon amulet holder but I still kick every but on Dragon Fable)

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What is the best class in mass effect?

I personally use Vanguard because you get a decent range of weapons(especially in mass effect 2) along with biotic abilities. Soldier is the easiest and Adept the hardest, this is because for soldier you receive training in all weapons classes but for Adept you can only use the pistol. And you can get good with any class if you play the whole way through. "Sometimes crazy is the best way through." - Urdnot Wrex

Five letter word starting with letter a?

Ashen Argot Alone Atone In addition, these are the other words that starts with a, addle, apple, acorn, adieu, acids, acted, abash, abbes, abeam, abaft, aback and adept.

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A precog empath is someone who is sensitive to events that are going to happen based on the energies in an area or around a person or people. Basically psychics, but precog empaths are more adept at telling the immediate future as opposed to long-term. It's like extreme intuition.

What is the best character on castle crashers?

The best character is completely based on how you play. The Orange knight is the strongest if that's what you mean. But, out of every character in the game including downloads and unlockables the presets are actually the best.The Blue Knight can freeze enemies but doesn't do much damage, so I recommend that to more adept players.The Red Knight can continuously zap enemies and does an average amount of damage, I would suggest that to new players.The Orange Knight does the highest amount of damage, so he's okay for people who have already beat the game or first time players.The Green Knight does corrosive damage (continues damaging after hit) so that would be moreover if you're used to the game.

What are some abjectives that begin with the letter a?

· abandoned · abiding · ablaze · able · abnormal · aboard · abrasive · abrupt · absent · absolute · absorbed · absurd · abundant · abusive · academic · accessible · acceptable · accidental · accurate · acoustic · acrobatic · active · adamant · adaptable · adept · adhesive · admirable · adorable · adventurous · affectionate · afraid · aged · ageless · aggravating · aggressive · agile · agonizing · agreeable · ahead · ajar · alcoholic · alert · alleged · alike · alive · aloof · alluring · altruistic · amazing · ambiguous · ambitious · amorous · amused · amusing · ancient · angelic · angry · animated · annoying · annual · anxious · apathetic · appreciative · apprehensive · approachable · apt · arrogant · artistic · ashamed · aspiring · astonishing · astute · athletic · attentive · attractive · auspicious · authoritative · automatic · available · average · awake · aware · awesome · awful · awkward

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Kathool adept armor?

It's a special armor that you can get in Cysero's shop which can do LOADS of damage. I've tried it out myself.

What is the best aurmor in dragonfable?

Of the paid: DoomKnight, of the DC: Kathool Adept. Non-DC armor: Soul Weaver/Techomancer.

How do you get adept armor in dragonfable?

If you are referring to the Kathool Adept armor, you simply have to go into Cysero's store, head all the way left (once inside) to the orb and talk to him. If you do not have atleast 2,000 DCs, you will not be able to buy the armor.

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you can only "borrow" from npc's or if u really wanna one for keeps then u need dragon coins and then go to cysero's shop, go to armor section and..well frankly the armors there arn't that great except for the 'Kathool Adept Armor' cheers

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What is the best class in dragonfable?

Well it depends on what you want....... If you want a strong defensive armor, get the dragonlord armor. If you want a strong offensive armor, try technomancer, deathnight, or necromancer. If you want an overall nice armor, try pirate or ninja... Good luck tyler, level 43 evolved dragonlord character id: 21176335

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