You have to finish all of Artix's quest in the Necropolis quest chain.... However, I play AdventureQuest Worlds now...I can only hope that I can one day appreciate your online gaming skills through this relatively new online MMO!!! -Atenzia (I log onto Safiria, just to let you know which server I log onto..and if we ever meet, please introduce yourself! =])
i don't know, but it's not by getting the paladin armor completed
WRONG!!! You have to do all of Artix's Quests then select Other Classes "Necromancer" then u have to get Undead Slayer Badges to Unlock The Necromancer armor then its just like Paladin training Get the Undead Slayer Badges to unlock more skills for it......
Just if ur wondering Death Knight u need to MAX BOTH PALADIN CLASS AND NECROMANCER CLASS!!!
Once you beat all of Artix's quests--he's located at Amityvale and the Necropolis--click on the button "Other classes", click on "Necromancer", and he'll send you off to Zorbak where you can wear (and give back) Necromancer armor. You train skills by giving Zorbak Undead Slayer Badges, found in Artix's quests.
Death Knight armor is unlockable from Artix in Doomwood/Necropolis, after you complete the quest chain. You will need to have unlocked Paladin and Necromancer first, the Death Knight armor is trained in the same way.
U can't. its only temporary.
you should unlock all quest in doom wood
You can only unlock the armor during Mogloween/Halloween (and use outside Mogloween with the Armor Closet).
you need to buy it at crysero' orb
well, simple. go to zorbak with some undead slayer badges and give them to him. told ya! simple as that!
you have to complete the quest Noxus Fumes before you can get necromancer class( that's after Artix Vs. Undead )
finish artix's quests in the nectopolis
You go to Lady Celestia. then go to DragonLord. after that you go to unlock DragonLord armor. then you go on a quest. then you have to beat old man of the mountain then you have the armor. Note: you have to be level 8 or higher to do this
First you need to become a Paladin and a Necromancer. Train both fully and then visit Artix. Click on other classes and then click on Death Knight. This will bring you to Sir Malifact's tomb. You can purchase and train the Death Knight armor from there.
The final act has yet to be released, but it's simply by doing them that you will unlock them all. Buried in the acts is the Frost Moglin Armor.
You need to completely unlock Paladin and Necromancer armors before Death Knight class is available to be used. It is explained in game by Artix (in Doomwood/Necropolis)