Why will a c7 spinal cord injury cause hypoventalation
The spinal cord does not need to be severed in order to be classified as a spinal cord injury. The C stands for cervical which means it is in the neck. The 6 and 7 are the vertebrae down from the skull. The largest vertebrae on your neck is number 7, so that injury is between that one and the one directly above it. I received a spinal cord injury at 6 and 7 in 1999 in a Ford Explorer rollover accident. My 6 and 7 slid out of place about 70%. Because of the damage done to the nerve cells they died. That is what caused the spinal cord injury.
The cervical vertebrae (C1-C7) are part of the spinal column and the spinal cord passes through them.
This would most likely be at T1, possibly C7.
Vertebral artery passes through transverse formamina of C1-C6!
That means there is a bulging disc that is impinging on the central canal (spinal cord) between the vertebral bodies at the C6-C7 levels, which may or may not be symptomatic.
using a cable
It means that initially the radiologist saw a lesion at the spinal cord (at the last cervical vertebrae - C7), but when he looked to confirm it from another plane, it was not there so he concluded that it was an artifact. MRI artifacts are shadows, lesions, lines that appear on images but they don't have anatomical correspondence. Most of the are cause by blood flow, spinal fluid flow, patient movement, hardware problems, and many other reasons.
There are many accidents to put you in a wheelchair permanently. The most common injury is from automobile crashes and the spinal cord is injured/broken. Another source of injury is from diving into shallow water. Others fall from ladders or trees. Another common cause is being shot in the back. Once the spinal cord is injured, it is usually permanent. Recovery time from this type period is about two years. After this time, the person adjusts their lives with what is left. From the skull down you have Cervical (C1-C7). Injury here, such as Christopher Reeves, result in paralysis of all four extremeties; quadriplegia/tetraplegia, referred to as Quads. The lower level injuries T1 through Lumbar result in paralysis from the chest down.
the biceps is supplied by the C5,C6 nerve root and the triceps by the C7 nerve root. by testing these muscles with the reflex process, we can know what nerves are damaged at the neck level, and by knowing the roots, the vertebrae level of the neck injury
Narrowing of the neural formina at the C7- 1 was a narrowing of the spinal canal where the nerve roots exit. This can occur with or without disc protrusion.