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All bees you see flying around outside and visiting flowers are females. The males stay inside the hive until it's time for them to mate, and afterwards they die. Males have no stinger, no stripes on their black abdomen, which is also much fatter than a female's, and their eyes are much bigger, touching each other on top of their heads.

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11y ago
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12y ago

If you see a bee on flowers collecting nectar it is a female. All worker bees are female. The drones (males) only live to mate with new queens and don't collect nectar or do any other work in the hive.

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13y ago

by checking its bum... but that is kinda pervy and why do you want to know anyway!!!

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What is a male and female bee?

A male bee is called a drone and an infertile female bee is called a worker. There will also be one fertile female bee in a colony - the queen.

What is the name of a female bee worker?

The male workers are called 'drones', females are simply called 'female worker bees'.

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The opposite gender of a female bee is a male bee. Male bees are called drones and are responsible for mating with the queen bee in the hive.

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How do you know when a bee is a female?

If you see a honey bee flying from flower to flower, it will be a worker (infertile female). It will NOT be a male and it will NOT be a queen.

What is masculine and feminine for bees?

A male bee is called a drone. A female bee is either a queen or a worker (infertile female).

What are the male and female honeybee called?

Male honeybees are called drones. Female honeybees are called workers. Additionally, the Queen Bee is a female.

How is gender determined in bees?

Well, the difference is that the worker bees (female) and the queen bee have stingers, as the drones (male) do not. So, if a bee has a stinger, it is a female, and if it doesn't have a stinger, it is a male. Hope I helped! :)

Opposite of queen bee?

The queen bee is female, so are all worker bees. The male bees are called drones.

Which honey bee's egg hatch into male and which into female?

If the queen fertilizes the egg from her store of sperm, the resulting insect will be female. If she does not fertilize it, it will be male.

What is a female bee called?

A female bee is called a queen or worker. Male bees are drones (their sole responsibility is to mate with the queen).

A male bee is a drone?

A male bee is a drone, doesn't have a sting, unlike a female worker. A drone's primary role is to mate with a fertile queen.