you start by saying i love you and then ask hym if he loves you back then you say i miss u
You can simply say "I miss you" or "I miss you so much" or "I miss you and can't wait to see you again."
Just tell him that you miss him. If he cares about you he will be happy to hear it.
Girl : I miss you Boy : (no answer he is dead) Girl : I miss you Stranger : Get over it
You just say it. Don't ever beat around the bush, most girls want to know these things. I am a girl and if a guy were to miss me but i was in a relationship, i would still want him to tell me.
Just tell her the reason(s) you miss her. If you don't miss her, then don't lie to her - be honest. If you're not man enough to do this, well... sucks to be you.
Tell her how you feel. "I MISS YOU!" usually works.
Maybe it is his cousin and maybe she does miss him. I'll tell my male friends that I miss them and my husband hears this and knows that the guy I am talking to is my friend and I miss him and that's all.
look into her eyes and tell her everything that you miss about her and how you will change your relationship from how it was before. tell her you will be there for her and change to how she wants you to be. its not guarenteed to work, but you can try!
Miss the Girl was created in 1983.
Tell her you miss spending time with her as friends. But make sure she doesn't take it the wrong way. If you wanna be more, tell her after you have hung out with her a couple more times. Only because you guys were probably close friends.
"i don't want to miss a thing" areosmith
no its not crazy for a girl to miss the pet expectantly if she loved it
she doesn't know what to say shes embarrassed but she misses you too.
i do not know first tell me the uses of cuboid