You have to level it up to 33, and it will ask if you want to teach it ancientpower, teach it to it and it'll evolve when its done levelng. If its past 33 and doesn't know it go to the Move Tutor in Pastoria and you can teach it that way. But ONLY if its past 33 and doesn't know the move
You have to teach tangela Ancient Power at Lv.33 Then level it up.
Teach it Ancient Power and level it up to level 33.
You get a tangela to level 33 and teach it ancient power (which it learns at lvl 33)
At level 33, Tangela learns 'Ancient Power'.If Tangela levels up while it knows 'Ancient Power', then it will try to evolve into Tangrowth.
Yes; Tangela evolves into Tangrowth by leveling up Tangela when it knows Ancient Power.
You have to teach tangela Ancient Power at Lv.33 Then level it up.
Teach it Ancient Power and level it up to level 33.
You get a tangela to level 33 and teach it ancient power (which it learns at lvl 33)
At level 33, Tangela learns 'Ancient Power'.If Tangela levels up while it knows 'Ancient Power', then it will try to evolve into Tangrowth.
Have it learn ancient power. If you teach it via TM, then level it up once. If your tangela hasn't learned ancient power yet, then it'll evolve when it does.
Tangela will only evolve if you level it up once it knows ancient power (which it learns at level 33). take it to the move maniac to make it learn it if you didn't teach it to tangela.
Yes; Tangela evolves into Tangrowth by leveling up Tangela when it knows Ancient Power.
Tangela evolves at level 33 or 34 after learning Ancheint Power
Teach Tangela 'ancient power' and then level-up. If it is over level 40, it might need to be taken to the guy who re-teaches moves.
tangela evolves when it learns the move ancient power then you get tangrowth... :D
no, it can only evolve in pearl, diamond or platinum. in those games it evolves into tangrowth when it learns the move ancient power (which it learns on lvl 33, or with a heart scale if your tangala has already passed that lvl).
level 35 or 33