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Q: How do you teach a student?
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Did Johannes Vermeer teach Rembrandt?

No, he was not a student of Vermeer.

How do you teach a boring topic?

by finding a interested student

Who is important a student or a teacher?

Both because a teacher cannot teach without a student and a student cannot learn without a teacher.

What is the top message for teachers?

teach a student based on their needs, not by how the school, or anyone else wants you to teach them.

What is the aim or goal of teaching?

if you mean teach as "educate"= the inner meaning of teach, the aim is to reveal the potential qualities of the student and guide him in the way of developinng them. the simpler meaning of teach is to "learn" which means to give the student some knowledge he does not have yet.

Do management subject teach student to be a manager?

yes, of course..

How do you teach student respect for others?

You just have to do it with a firm hand.

How do you teach English for blind student?

It is possible to teach them verbal English but when it comes to writing and reading they have to do learn it in Braille.

What must an instructor be to a student?

An instructor should be a mentor, teacher, tutor, and facilitator. His role is to teach the student the material.

What would you teach a teacher?

When I began teaching, the most important thing that each individual student taught me is how they learn. Once they were able to teach me this, I was able to teach them.

Did Allan Ahlberg teach at Catherine Junior School Leicester?

no but he was a student there