Think of happy things and eat ice cream.
The things I'd do is not think about it. If there is a certain thing that reminds me of it, I just tell myself it's not going to happen, and that the chances would be very low. If you need more tips, I'm more than willing to help you out. - Mr. Andy
What to do when you see a Horror movie.
One option:-
The lovely lady is all alone and hard at work. She doesn't realize that, behind her, the 'dead' monster (mummy, alien, etc.) is slowly and silently coming alive!
At this point it is a good idea to spread your hands in front of your eyes and peek through your fingers. As the creature lurches toward its unsuspecting (deaf?) victim, you can feel safely hidden without actually missing anything.
think about something else , talk to someone about something funny or serious not reminding yourself about the movie again , and stay with some entertainment and stay away from people who would like to scare you for their entertainment
If you are frightened by a movie you recently saw, here are some tips to get it out of your head.
Try not to think about it.
Remind yourself it isn't real at all, it is just a movie.
Try watching a happy movie with a good ending.
Good luck.
I usually try to ignore the thought and think of monkeys with a banjo.
If that doesnt work, you can think of an opposite of the movie, for example, saw..... a happy cute non-emo clown who gives gifts and sings songs. The chance of that working has a 75% chance of working. if all else fails, stay up
I believe the movie you are thinking of is Scream.
A horror movie about a horror movie is almost certainly Terror in the Aisles (1984), which is a horror-documentary narrated by Donald Pleasence, who starred in Halloween(1978), and Nancy Allen, who starred in Carrie (1978) and Dressed to Kill (1980). The movie is a compilation of trailers and scenes from other famous horror, crime and triller movies. Since the movie dwells almost exclusively on the grittiest and scariest scenes, many moviegoers found themselves "in the aisles" and racing for the door.
a horror movie
I don't know any movie with name 'the horror movie'. Antonia Beamish is the actress in 'the last horror movie'.
You may be thinking of the movie Thir13en Ghosts. But it isn't a clock that is in the floor exactly, but gears; a machine of the dead.
I believe the movie you are thinking of is Scream.
You may be thinking of the movie 'They Live.'
It sounds like the movie Autopsy.
A horror movie about a horror movie is almost certainly Terror in the Aisles (1984), which is a horror-documentary narrated by Donald Pleasence, who starred in Halloween(1978), and Nancy Allen, who starred in Carrie (1978) and Dressed to Kill (1980). The movie is a compilation of trailers and scenes from other famous horror, crime and triller movies. Since the movie dwells almost exclusively on the grittiest and scariest scenes, many moviegoers found themselves "in the aisles" and racing for the door.
You are probably thinking of the remake of The Amityville Horror.
It isn't a horror movie, but you might be thinking of White Chicks.
a horror movie
I don't know any movie with name 'the horror movie'. Antonia Beamish is the actress in 'the last horror movie'.
You may be thinking of the movie Thir13en Ghosts. But it isn't a clock that is in the floor exactly, but gears; a machine of the dead.
You're probably thinking of Memento, but Irreversible (2002) is also filmed in reverse.
Horror. lots of it.
Yes she was, that horror movie is called Tremors.