The word "has" in French is spelled "a".
In French, the word "but" is spelled as "mais."
The word "reason" in French is spelled "raison."
you spell dog in french like this: Chein
The word "perch" in French is spelled "perche."
"un dictionnaire" is the French word for dictionnary.
"Régulier," it's the same same as in European French.
"Thank you for the beautiful wishes" in French is "Merci pour les beaux vœux." (You can also spell the last word "voeux".)
The French Canadian word for grandmother is "grand-mère".
"Non merci" is the way of saying 'no thank you' in French.
The word from French is negligee, which is negligée in French.
That's how you spell it. It's a French word to begin with.
The word "has" in French is spelled "a".
In French, the word "but" is spelled as "mais."
The French word for inis . . .Dans Les