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According to "Hairy Maclary From Donaldson's Dairy" it is "Neeeeowwffffttzzzz"

But I believe a simple "Tsssshhhh" or "Tssszzz" will do.

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Q: How do you spell the sound of a cat hiss?
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How can you make vampire sound?

Yes, just hiss quietly, like a cat, except not to hard. .

How do you write the sound that a pissed cat makes?

Angry cats growl and hiss. You can write "Rrrrrr" or "hiss" or make up your own way of sounding out the noise.

Spell the Sound of a cat crying?

"Meow," "Purrrr" and "Prrr" are some common ways that you can spell cat sounds. However, these vary widely across the globe. In German, "meow" is spelled as "miau," in Japanese it is "nyan," and in Catalan, it is "meu."

What sound does a sand cat make?

They make a yapping almost high pitched barking sound. They can also growl, hiss and even purr.

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Why do some cats bark?

I've never herd a cat bark, but they do make a growling sound and they hiss and meow.

Can hissing hurt a cat?

when your cat hiss does it hurt them

Why does your cat hiss when you pet her?

Your cat is probaly scared of you, try giving it treats from your hand, playing with it , dont pet your cat until it seems calmer around you. If your cat is angry it might hiss and it might hiss because a stranger is at your house and is trying to pet your cat.

What are sounds that sound alike?

There are many sounds that sound alike, here is a list, -cat hiss/snake hiss -hyena/freaky laugh - - - - Those are some =) =) =) ++ U =)

What sound do tortoise do?

The sound is like a hiss.

What is a hiss?

A hiss is a sibilant sound made by angry or frustrated animals.

Is hiss a noun?

Hiss can be either a noun or a verb.Noun: The hiss from the tape deck was very annoying.Verb: The cat tends to hiss at anyone he doesn't recognize.