That's an example of a palindrome; a word or phrase spelled the same way backwards and forwards.
One of the most famous palindromes was a description of Theodore Roosevelt; "A Man, a Plan, A Canal; Panama!"
Racecar, spelled backwards, is also racecar. It is one of a small number of words that are the same forward and backward. These are called palindromes, a term which also includes phrases such as "Madam I'm Adam."
Some palindromes:
a racecar-and a civic
A racecar - and a Civic :)
Palindromes: Madam I'm Adam Racecar
In the above equation, Hannah equals Hannah. The proof is that 'racecar' spelled backwards is 'racecar'. Hannah spelled backwards is Hannah. Both words are palindromes, words that are spelled the same forward and backward.
Both racecar and kayak are spelled the same forward and backward. These types of words and phrases are called "palindromes."
Racecar and Kayak or maybe A Toyota
A car model that is spelled the same forward and backwards is a race car. As you can see RACECAR backwards is RACECAR.
A word that is spelled the same forwards and backwards is called a palindrome. There are several of these words. Some examples are, rotor, racecar, sexes, and level.
Kayak has more in common with a racecar than with a boat when you look at how each word is spelled backwards. 'Kayak' and 'racecar' are both palindromes - they are spelled the same way forward and backward. The same cannot be said for the word 'boat'.
A word or sentence that is spelled the same backward and forward is called a palindrome.