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That is the correct spelling of the word "average".

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

That is the correct spelling for the word "averagely" (a rarely-used adverb meaning ordinarily or to a usual degree, e.g. averagely tall or intelligent).

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you'll be about 5'7-5'10, averagely.

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There is averagely 2.158.521.036 sport players in the world

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Low IQ means that you are under averagely smart!

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It depends entirely on latitude as well as day of year. Everywhere, daylight changes faster closer to the equinox, and slower close to the solstice. If you're in the mid-latitudes, they're probably changing 1-2 minutes each on average.

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A woman is pregnant for averagely 10-12 months.