Review the steps involved in the process of multiplication,
and then apply that process to your two numbers. If you
don't get 10,746 then you need more review. The answer
is not the important part. Nobody actually needs it. The
part that's important is that you know how to find it.
21 multiplied by 27 is 567.
27 multiplied by 98 multiplied by 4 (27 • 98 • 4 or 27 × 98 × 4) equals 10,584.
27 * 3.1416 = 84.8232
27 * 28 = 756
12 multiplied by 27 is 324.
417 multiplied by 27 is 11,259.
27 multiplied by 4 is 108.
27 multiplied by 81 is 2,187.
27 multiplied by 46 is 1,242.