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Keep dividing the numerator and denominator by any common factor

they have, until they have no common factor except ' 1 '.

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Q: How do you simplify fractions into their lower terms?
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How can you simplify variable terms with fractions or mixed number coefficients?


How do you simplify expressions with variables?

You multiply out brackets, remove common factors from fractions, combine like terms.

How are common factors useful?

They are useful in reducing fractions and to simplify radicals. They are useful in reducing fractions and to simplify radicals.

How do you simplify the number 13?

You can simplify fractions, sometimes, but you can never simplify whole numbers.

Can you simplify before you divide fractions?


Why do you need to simplify fraction?

because when we simplify fractions it will give you the correct answer and that is the rule.

What is 9 over 5 times 5 over 9?

9/5 * 5/9 = 1, because 9*5 is 45 and 5*9 is 45, the problem becomes 45/45, which is 1. To multiply fractions: # Simplify the fractions if not in lowest terms. # Multiply the numerators of the fractions to get the new numerator. # Multiply the denominators of the fractions to get the new denominator. Simplify the resulting fraction if possible.

When can you not simplify fractions?

you can not simplify fractions when one of the ( whole or part) numbers can not be divided by and thing like 11 over 17 could NOT be simplified

How do you subtract whole numbers by fractions?

Simplify them.

Do you cross simplify in multiplying fractions?


Why do you simplify fractions?

In math people simplify fractions because its easier to look at.

Simplify the fractions 10 12 and 6 9?

10/12 = 5/66/9 = 2/3These are not "simplified"; they're "reduced to lowest terms".