You need a system that works with TV otherwise you could just plug the HDMI into it and adjust the settings for it to work
3D games only play with 3D effects on 3D HDTVs
Setting menu
You should not spray paint a PS3,. It could get paint where it could hurt the electronics. If you want the PS3 to look better buy a larger HDTV or a 3D HDTV and what matters will look better
PS3 is releasing the PS3 Move without changing the Name to PS4 and the already released the PS3 with 3D capability without changing the name to PS4. They will continue to release improvements to the PS3 without changing the name as long as the older models can continue to have the new features through software updates.
The current world class system not a PC would be the PS3 320 GB model connected to the internet with a top speed ethernet system and with a couple of PS Vitas to play when not a home. For a small screen on a desk the PS3 3D display screen or the 65 inch LCD LED 3D system with home theater for a family room. Then you would add the Xbox 360 Star Wars bundle when it came out because a better system would have both consoles be 3D and have home theater and use the newest best Sony HDTV with a great Internet Service Provider's top internet package
Purchase a HDMI cable either made for the PS3 or some name brand recommended for 3D HDTV . Plug it in and make sure that your PS3 has the latest updates so it has the 3D updates already. Slim PS3 have the HDMI sync and that should make set up easier, but you will need to set the setting to let the PS3 know it is connected to a 3D HDTV
there is no 3d glasses for the ps3
The PS3 will play 3D movies on a 3D HDTV ot the new 3D display for PS3. There is no PS4 It will also play 3D games. You only need to buy the 3D games and a 3D HDTV and get the latest PS3 updates and any of the PS3s will play 3D. Without a 3D HDTV you can not get a 3D picture
Your HDTV must be a 3D and you must have downloaded all the updates to the PS3 so it can run 3D before you can set up the game Put the special glasses on.
No not at all the PS3 will even be able to play your 3D games and Discs when you are connected to a 3D Television
Yes it can without a problem, but not if not set up for 3D. In order for a PS3 to play 3D it must have current updates and be connected to a 3D HDTV with correct cables and most systems require users to wear 3D glasses
3D games only play with 3D effects on 3D HDTVs
Nope but next years of FIFA 13 will be in 3D on PS3 and Compatible for the Kinect on Xbox 360Matthew
Xbox 360 is better on shooter games ps3 just has 3D PS3 does have 3D if you have a 3D HDTV and that is the thing about systems the weakest link on pictures is not the console they both are good, it what they are connected to.
If it is a 3D projection HDTV just change your settings after plugging in the HDMI cable. Otherwise the PS3 does not play 3D without being connected to a 3D HDTV
No the 3DS is not the only 3D game system available and it does not have the capability to show full 3D 1080P that is available with all PS3 consoles. Even before release of the Nintendo 3DS the PlayStation 3 had system updates that allow it to be used with a 3D HDTV and play any 3D games available. Of course that means you have to purchase a 3D HDTV for it to have 3D. There are PS3 3D games available, but they do require the wearing of the 3D glasses if using a Sony 3D HDTV to play the PS3.
Of course you can. If the game is 3D compatible and your TV is 3D compatible, then you can watch and play 3D stuff.