You can sell almost any item back but depending on how long you've had it, you may not be refunded all of your simoleons.
*This is a builders club only feature.* 1. Go to the item you want to sell. (You can sell limited, and limited hats you have, and shirts, pants, and t-shirts you made.) 2. If shirt go to "Configure Item" 3. Click sell item and type the price to sell at 4. UPDATE and DONE 5. If hat scroll down on page 6. click sell item and write price AND DONE
There really is no item. But if you watch the grand exchange you might find an item dropping and buy it for lowest. Then sell for minimum or highest.. When it starts to raise again
you can't sell badges on roblox, you can sell t-shirts, shirts, pants, with BC
You have to go to a shop, then you go click on the item you want to sell and drag it to the shops screen.lastly click on an empty spot and boom!you sold an item!
Go to Shop (Click "Sell") Then go to back item's And Sell your back item.
I think you can't sell back items on Ninja Saga
no because if the game will became easy
i was about to ask the same question but i think u cant
You can sell almost any item back but depending on how long you've had it, you may not be refunded all of your simoleons.
you click on your person & go down to view inventory then just click on the item that you what to sell & it will say sell back
Technically, you could get it back. If you saved before going into the mart, and sold the item, shut off the game without saving and turn it back on to find that your item is back in your item bag. However, if you already saved after selling an item to the mart, you cannot get it back. You already permanently saved the data into the game that you lost an item from your bag and got money in exchange.
you click on your person & go down to view inventory then just click on the item that you what to sell & it will say sell back
i don't think that they will ever do that because it did not sell that good as a saga game.Answeri don't think that they will ever do that because it did not sell that good as a saga game.
There are a number of online stores which are known to sell ninja swords. Overstock, Amazon, eBay, and the Walmart website, for example, each sell ninja swords.
You can sell them in a private shop or to the "vendors" where ever they are.
Ninja polish