The English phrase "I'm flattered" is translated to Spanish as: "Me halagas."
Estoy jugando
To say "I need to use the restroom" in Spanish, use the phrase "Necesita/o usar el bano."
In Spanish, you don't say "I am hungry", but rather "I have hunger". So the phrase would be "Abuela, tengo hambre".
The phrase "high and low" in Spanish is "alta y baja" (high in extent or value is máximo).
To say the English phrase thank you in Spanish, you would say gracias or muchas gracias. Su bienvenida or de nada is Spanish for the phrase you are welcome.
If you are asking someone to say something in Spanish you will use the phrase "en español porfavor" or "In Spanish please."
The phrase for "lunges" in Spanish is "se lanza."
Spanish courts may hear this phrase a lot. The English phrase "settlement amount" translates to the Spanish phrase "importe de la liquidacion".
The common phrase is "Que pasa?"
estoy leyendo
The phrase portador del féretro would be the best way to say "pallbearer" in Spanish.
A Spanish phrase that means "How do you say..." (How is it said...)
The Spanis phrase is "Cuánto cuesta?"
"I have been playing" is "He jugado".
The Latin phrase 'nota bene' (N.B.) is used in Spanish, as it is in English
'el riesgo' is 'risk' in spanish