* Terima kasih for thank you * Terima kasih banyak for thank you very much * Trims for thanks (informal) The literal meaning is "Receive my love/affection"
It was the only phrase HRH Queen Juliana bothered to learn when meeting Indonesian statesmen or politicians. This was satirised in the TV programme Farce Majeure: a lookalike stands in front of a shop window, looks at the TV set and mumbles approvingly, "Prima kassie, prima kassie!" (Wonderful box/set).
HRH Queen Beatrix happens to be a gifted linguist (fluent in English and French) but has so far refused to congratulate Indonesians on Independence Day (17 August) by saying "Selamat" (Congratulations).
The phrase thank you Jesus in Indonesian is terima kasih Yesus.
Terimakasih telah mendengarkan or Terimakasih atas perhatiannya
Terima kasih = thank you Help = bantuan Thank you for your help = terima kasih untuk bantuannya
If the 'fine thank you' you mean is when you reply to a question asking about how you are, then the translation is 'Baik-baik saja, terimakasih'.
Terima kasih atas perhatiannya is thank you for your attention. In the word by word translation, terima kasih means 'thank you', atas means 'for', and perhatiannya means 'your attention'.
谢谢 (xie xie)
"Tack sΓ₯ mycket" is the translation of 'Thank you' from English to Swedish.
Gracias, encanto (or encanta for a female).
'Addo shite kurete arigatou gozaimasu.'
Merci.The English phrase "thank you" is translated to merci in French.
The phrase 'bless you' that you say when someone sneezes in Indonesian is Semoga Tuhan memberkati. But Semoga Tuhan memberkati is uncommon to say. The translation would be something like Alhamdulillah, which is the Arabic way to say 'bless you', because in Indonesia, Islam is the majority religion.
ευχαριστώ/efxaristo pronounced [ef-ha-ree-STO]