"African" is not a language. Africa is a continent that contains 54 countries and more than 2100 completely different languages. Some estimates place the number of languages at around 3000.
If you have any quesitons about African languages, you will have to specify the language.
The most prominent languages spoken in Africa are:
No, it is not illegal to own a zebra in south Africa, because zebras mainly live in South Africa!
zebra's can be found in the countinents of Africa. :)
In South Africa, you can say "Wamkelekile" to mean welcome.
The mountain zebra, Equus zebra, is a threatened species of equid native to south-western Angola, Namibia and South Africa. It has two subspecies, the Cape mountain zebra (E. z. zebra) and Hartmann's mountain zebra (E. z. hartmannae), though it has been suggested these should be considered separate species.
zebra's Zebras don't live in South America. They live in Africa. The answer is okapi.
No, zebra are found in Africa.
South Africa is a country so I would say South Africa has the highest Christian population in South Africa.
The quagga was a subspecies of zebra that was native to South Africa. The last quagga died in Amsterdam in 1883.
I see that this is in the category lions so im assuming that you are asking what do the lions of South Africa eat. They eat buck, buffalo, zebra. The people eat pasta, pizza etc
South Africa is called " l'Afrique du Sud " in French.
Yes, the Quagga is extinct. The Quagga used to be a well known animal of South Africa. They are the subspecies of the zebra.
zebras are known to live in many parts of Africa. They either live in the southern part of africa, which is Botswana or South Africa, or mid towest Africa.