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Bună dimineaţa.

It's written 'buna dimineata' and pronounced 'boona Dee mee nyaa tzaa'.

The Romanian language equivalent of Good morning is Bună ziua (or Bună dimineaţa).

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13y ago
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16y ago

It's kind of hard to translate because there is no expression like that in Romanian. It's still sweet to say it though.

The exact translation would be "Eşti raza mea de soare".

You can find reading rules here:

esti soarele meu

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14y ago

Numele meu este... is a Romanian equivalent of 'My name is...'. It's an exact translation of the English, what with 'numele' meaning 'name', 'meu' meaning 'my', and 'este' meaning 'is'. Another equivalent is Mă cheamă...'. It actiually translates as 'I am called, I call myself'. It's up to the speaker which to use, since both are acceptable.

My name is... DUH!

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14y ago

Ce mai faci tu în is a Romanian equivalent of 'How are you'. The question may be brightened by a comment such as 'this fine sunny day'. The extra phrase finds its equivalent in Romanian with această zi frumoasă şi însorită.

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13y ago

The Romanian language equivalent of Good afternoon beautiful sunshine is Bună seara soare frumos; but these words have no significative sense in Romanian.

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11y ago

The Romanian equivalent is o zi frumoasă(bună).

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12y ago

Salut, salutare, bună ziua

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14y ago


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