marhaba habibi/habibti (my honey)
marhaba hayati (my life)
marhaba elbe (my heart)
Hello : Marhabee
In Berber language, you can say "Azul".
Saudi Arabia's main language is Arabic. Hello in Arabic is 'مرحبا' (Marhaba)
In Arabic, you can say "صباح الخير" (pronounced: sabah al-khayr) to say hello and good morning.
In Arabic, you can say "Marhaban" (مرحبا) to greet someone, which means hello.
In Arabic-speaking countries, people typically say "Marhaban" or "As-salamu alaykum" as a common greeting.
marhaba jundy
مرحبا اخي
In Bahrain, the official language is Arabic. "Hello" in Arabic is "أهلا" or "ahlaan".
You can say "Cześć, kochanie" to say hello my love in Polish.
There is no Aramaic word for "Hello" in Aramaic. Culturally and historically, the greeting employed has been "Shlama" - Peace. This has carried over into Syriac as well as Arabic. Syriac: Shlama, Arabic: Salaam