Trabajador de los servicios ambientales.
How to say "You are a good worker" in spanish is usted es un buen trabajador hope that helped!
"Tok'e" Press hard on the T
La vida es dura.
And here hard hands is said- y aquí las manos duras
In Hawaiian, "hard worker" can be translated as "maiau."
It IS in Spanish! In English it means 'female worker'.
It means you are hard working
Good job.
Obrero is worker in Spanish.
compañera is Spanish for female companion or Co-worker
trabajador/trabajadora social OR asistente/asistenta social
Trabajador de los servicios ambientales.
'' es dificil hablar español "
Co (like in co-worker) hairor co (like in co-worker) h (hard h) eh(short e) r
Yes, "hard worker" should be hyphenated when used as an adjective before a noun, as in "She is a hard-worker."