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Happy birthday enjoy your day

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Happy birthday! Enjoy your day!

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What should i say when a girl said I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday and I hope you enjoy your special day?

you should say thank you so much and try not to over do it and then compliment her

How do you say happy birthday in micmac?

In Mi'kmaq, you can say "Pkwkina'q day Ms't wen pme'swen" which translates to "Happy birthday to you"

How do you you say have a wonderful birthday in Hawaiian?

Happy birthday cousin tina have a wonderful day

How do you say Happy Birthday in Chukkese?

you say Happy birthday ( if you mean sing and dont want to pay money than for he/ she is a jolly good fellow or happy b-day )

How do you say happy birthday in Choctaw?

The correct way to say Happy Birthday in the Choctaw language is Aiattatok Nitak = Birthday and Yukpa Aiattatok Nitak = Happy Birthday.Many online sites are stating that Chim Afammi Nittak is how you say Happy Birthday. This is incorrect. Chim Afammi Nittak means your year day. Not happy Birthday.

What is happy g day?

It is the way Gangster Disciples say happy birthday. BDK 300K

How do you say 'Happy Birthday' in Apache?

Oh, dude, to say "Happy Birthday" in Apache, you would say "Ea'apilaka'ah." It's like wishing someone a good day but with a birthday twist. So, next time you want to impress your Apache-speaking friends, just drop that knowledge bomb on them.

What should directioners do on Louis' b- day?

Say happy birthday to him.

What is the correct reply when someone gift you happy birthday?

The correct reply when someone gifts you a "Happy Birthday" is a simple "Thank you." It's not rocket science, just show some gratitude and move on with your day. No need to overcomplicate things, just accept the gift and enjoy your special day.

What are some of the more traditional messages given when telling someone Happy Birthday?

There are a few traditional messages given when telling someone Happy Birthday. One is simply to say Happy Birthday whilst another is to say Many Happy Returns of the Day.