sentence of hang gliding
Hang gliding can make you fly in the air and hang gliding look's fun.
Hang gliding is unregulated unless it has an engine.
Usually people rent hang gliding gear while they are taking lessons. Search for "hang gliding" + (your location) for more information.
a hang glider
I could find no evidence that you need aviation insurance for hang gliding. I did find an example of a company that covers a whole hang gliding organization, but I think that may be a special case.
hang gliding
Dennis Pagen has written: 'Hang Gliding and Flying Conditions' 'Powered Ultralight Flying (Sport Aviation Publications Series)' 'Powered Ultralight Training Course' 'Hang Gliding Flying Skills' -- subject(s): Hang gliding 'Hang Gliding Training Manual' 'Powered ultralight aircraft' 'Understanding the Sky'
Otto Lilienthal
Hang Gliding.
u need hang glider and parachute