It's Geographie or Geografie. [geograf'i]
Although Geografie is correct, it is of Greek origin. The German word is Erdkunde
To say body in German it is Körper
In order to say "My eyes" in German you say meine Augen
it is spieyeln in German
Rounders is "Schlagball" in German.
Romania is Rumänien in German
it means geography in German
Geography = GeografieGeography class in school is called Erdkunde (literally translated = earth-lore).
Geographie (f)orErdkunde (f)
Géographie is the French word for Geography.
Hello and Goodbye World geography can be translated as Hallo und auf Wiedersehen Weltgeographie.
It's usally translated to "Pfannkuchen" even though I can say thanks to personal experience that they are kind of diffrent in taste and preparation. So real pancake's are also called pancake's sometimes. What a 'real pancake' is is a matter of geography. The German pancake is like the French crepe in taste and texture and not as sweet as its American cousin
"Geoinformationssysteme," "Geographische Informationssysteme," or "Räumliche Informationssysteme" may be German equivalents of "geographic information system."
How do you say "War" In german? Answer: "Krieg"
To say body in German it is Körper
Tranianieren is how you say practice in German.
How do i say i have a brother and a sister in German ?
geografia,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, география