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In Spanish, "Basketball" is spelled "baloncesto" or "balón".

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13y ago
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13y ago

You could write "Él practica el baloncesto." or "Él juego al baloncesto".

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11y ago

el baloncesto

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cancha de baloncesto

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Q: How do you say basket ball in spanish?
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You throw a ball in a basket. Basket ball. same thing i was gonna say, pretty obvious tho

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We called it soft ball in spanish too.

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A layup is when you are very close to the basket when you shoot the ball. I would say a player would be 3 feet or less from the basket when they shot a layup.

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playing basket ball and watching basket ball

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Football in Spanish is fútbol. :)

How do you say basket in french?

a basket (to put things in) is translated "un panier" in French.The sport basketball is called "basket" or "basket-ball".The French also use "basket" to name a type of sport shoes (sneakers).

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