Sister in law in Spanish is cunada.
How to say "hi" in spanish is Hola. How to say "bye" in spanish is Adios.
how to say Amer in Spanish
you say it in spanish as- sarina
how do you say the alamo in spanish
Dale dale
It has 1 syllable - Say it out loud "Bang"
Some say its about how people feel about immigrants. "all I wanna do is (bang bang bang bang) and (kaah-Ching) and take your money" they say she is using stereotypes to open people eyes about how her people are viewed. :)
The Big Bang is just another theory.
According to the believes of physics and the big bang, we know that the big bang was both big and a bang. Since we are still receiving radiation from the big bang, So considering that factor I would say that it was big and a bang. What do you believe?
It is correctly pronounced like "song", but I just say "bang" anyway.
who says, love you like a love song, my dilemma, bang bang bang, who says spanish version, and i forgot them but i have the cd and im too lazy too get it
가방 ga bang
Sister in law in Spanish is cunada.
How to say "hi" in spanish is Hola. How to say "bye" in spanish is Adios.
how do you say sister in spanish
How do you say canvas in spanish