"Craft" in English is mestiere in Italian.
"Translate English into Italian" in English is Traduca l'inglese in italiano in Italian.
English: cake balls Italian: torta di palle
They use the English word, so "(il) computer".
"cappucino" is spelled and pronounced the same as in Italian or English.
"My grandchildren" in English is i miei nipoti in Italian.
I nostri nipoti is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "our grandchildren." The masculine plural definite article, possessive, and noun may reference either all-male or mixed female and male grandchildren. The pronunciation will be "ee NO-stree nee-PO-tee" in Italian.
Italian marita(italian)=Italian marries(english)
"How do you say?" in English is Come si dice? in Italian.
E i nipoti prefentially nowadays and Ed i nipoti traditionally are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "and grandchildren." The respective pronunciations of the masculine plural phrase -- which translates literally as "and the grandchildren" (as all-male or as mixed females and males) -- will be "ey ee nee-PO-tee" and "ey-dee nee-PO-tee" in Italian.
"You don't say!" in English is Non dirlo! in Italian.
The Italian satana is Satan in English.
Nostri belli nipoti is a literal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "our beautiful grandchildren." The feminine/masculine plural noun nipoti may reference a group of all granddaughters, all grandsons, or a mix. The pronunciation will be "NO-stree BEL-lee nee-PO-tee" in Italian.
English to Italian translationalone
"Craft" in English is mestiere in Italian.
English: Saturday Italian: Sabato