I believe its halipleumon
I believe star in Latin is 'stella'. hoped i helped =)
I believe that it is "procul."
Nocturna suppressio I believe.
Nulli secundus
Fides quod puto in vestri
I think it's "tonitrus." 2nd declension i believe.
In Pig Latin, "Alyssa" would be said as "Alyssa-yay."
Quite fantastic as in "awesome" or as in "hard to believe"Quite awesome "admirabilius"Hard to believe "difficilius creditu"
This is a quotation from St. Aloysius, I believe. Quid est hoc ad aeternitatem
In Latin, "credit" is a form of the verb "credo" (believe). In present-day English, we usually say it in the sense of giving a person credit--lending money because you BELIEVE he will pay it back.
you say helmet in latin (casco)<- in latin