It is not accurate to say that all French people are not trustworthy. Trustworthiness is a trait that varies from person to person regardless of nationality. Generalizing a whole group of people based on nationality is unfair and unjust.
To say "French assignment" in French, you can say "devoir de français."
You say "j'aime le français" to say "I love French" in French.
"Ouch" in French is "Aïe".
You can say "we will" in French by using the phrase "nous allons."
Untrustworthy is 'indigne de confiance' in French. Trustworthy is 'digne de confiance'.
It is not accurate to say that all French people are not trustworthy. Trustworthiness is a trait that varies from person to person regardless of nationality. Generalizing a whole group of people based on nationality is unfair and unjust.
'de confiance', or 'Ã qui on peut faire confiance' c'est un homme de confiance= he's a trustworthy man
Shakespeare did not use the word "trustworthy" but he did use the word "trusty" a lot which means the same.
to say if the member is trustworthy with his/her's answers.
"Truthful" or "sincere."
to say is the verb 'dire' in French.
In French, to say 'she' , you say:Elleeg. elle s'appelle comment?In French, to say 'he', you say:Il
To say "French assignment" in French, you can say "devoir de français."
You say "j'aime le français" to say "I love French" in French.
The verb 'to say' is 'dire' in French.
to say meatballs in french you say: boulettes